Reiki Healing
Reiki is the foundation that all the healing modalities rest upon at
Jillian’s Healing Arts Center. Reiki is an energy work modality that is woven into massage, yoga, dance, health consultations, and so much more.
The word Reiki is a Japanese word and practice that means “life energy,” or “universal energy.” A Reiki master has the ability to bring universal energy, “Reiki,” through their body, and release this healing energy out of their hands
About Reiki
Reiki is a gentle body work modality that is extremely healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. By receiving Reiki energy, a stressful day transforms into a loving peaceful afternoon full of bird songs and sunshine. Reiki has the ability to push out negative energy (grief, anxiety, stress, pain, tension, fear, etc), and allows for universal energy to spread through the system. Replacing the negative emotions you were experiencing with positivity (love, peace, hope, joy, growth, sense of support and connection to your body, community, and life’s purpose,, etc).
On a daily basis we all experience stress and tension that entangles into our foundational roots causing us to wilt and feel dull. Reiki helps you by quickly shifting the negative energy out of your body and making space for you to once again feel like a bright blossoming bud of health and happiness. Think of it this way. You have a beautiful potted plant with brilliant pink peddles on your front porch that thrives during the summer months. But when fall arrives you bring the plant inside so it does not freeze. Even though you set the plant near a window, give it lots of water, and talk to it, it starts to wilt and fade without the energy and light from the sun.
You are the same way. Given the appropriate positive loving energy, your blossoms bloom, and you feel bright and gorgeous as you go throughout your day. Your light might diminish due to negative energy, toxins, stress, anxiety, you droop and feel like life is nothing but darkness. But just as the your beautiful plant gains strength and brilliance once again, when the summer months roll around and you place it back on your front porch, you do the same by receiving Reiki. the best part though, is Reiki is available to you all year around through personalized treatments as well as your own breath and abilities. Each day you get up and breathe deep bringing in universal energy into your lungs spreading with each breath throughout our body, mind, and soul.
But just like your beautiful plant needs extra support you are the same way. Receiving a Reiki treatment from a Reiki master boosts your energy. It’s like taking a vacation at the beach with nothing but sunshine, fresh air, feeling comfortable in your skin with your feet in the sand, holding a refreshing drink, being one with your body, with yourself, no stresses, you within the present moment within love.
As you work through life, and you start to feel worn down, anxious, stressed, then it’s time to recharge, release stuck, stagnant energy, and feel refreshed once again, like a beautiful, blossoming flower basking in the sunshine.
Reiki does the following:
Relaxes the autonomic nervous system, taking you out of fight, flight, or freeze that keeps you up at night or constantly fearful.
Releases tension from tight muscles, allowing you to stretch, move, hike, etc more easily.
Releases stock emotions that are held up in your body Causing discomfort and pain.
Help you through a difficult transition in your life allowing for more opportunities to come available and the changes to flow more easily.
Allows your body to release the feeling of heavy fatigue leaving you feeling light and fluffy.
Gives you an overall sense of peace and well-being that lasts even through a stressful interview or dinner party.
Reminds you of joy and lighthearted fun.
Gives you more energy to run and play outside in a meadow with flowers tickling your toes.
Reiki is for you who is tired of living a life of stress and anxiety. For you who has been through a life change and unable to find your Center again. For you who has been experiencing pain and fatigue. For you who is needing a sense of hope and joy. Therefore, Reiki is for everyone. Because we are all experiencing something that is allowing us to grow and shift and mature. But sometimes there are growing pains, and that is when Reiki comes in to restore you to a clear mind, strong body, balanced emotions, and a radiant soul.
How Does Reiki Feel?
Just like everyone’s bodies respond differently to massage and yoga, everyone has a different reaction to a Reiki session.
Reiki is pure loving energy and does not harm, but it some times brings awareness to feelings, sensations, and emotions that might need to be healed or altered in some way.
Reiki provides exactly what you need - which is not always what you think you need.
As an example, once a client came to Jillian for a distance Reiki session, hoping to receive a large burst of energy to be productive.
However, after the session the client was very tired, and ended up resting for the remainder of the day. The client was able to rest with a sense of calm and peace.
She did not tackle her to-do list, but she relaxed and by the next day felt very refreshed. With this new refreshed energy she was able to get more done the next day than what she had on her list to begin with! The Reiki session allowed the client’s energy to work more efficiently by helping her rest first, and work at the most appropriate times.
In this way, the session did not give her exactly what she expected, but provided much more than she could have imagined.
What To Expect During an In-Person Reiki Session
You are asked to lay on a massage table, either face up or face down depending on the master’s preference. It is not necessary for you to remove any clothing, although you might be more comfortable emptying pockets and removing belts and shoes. You feel the master gently Hover or place their hands on different parts of your body. The master might hold their hands in one spot for up to 5 minutes. While the master holds or hovers their hands on your body, Reiki flows through the master’s hands and into your body.
It is very common for clients to feel heat, tingling, vibration, a cooling sensation, or other subtle internal sensations at the location of the master’s hands. Some clients see colors, visions, or fond memories during their session, while other clients fall asleep. Sometimes emotional releases occur, which is perfect and normal. One of Reiki’s benefits is to provide a healing release of blocked emotions. Reiki allows stagnant emotions to flow out of the body, mind, and spirit to help get rid of negative energy and create space for healing to occur.
After the Reiki Session
You might feel tired or even sore, which is similar to the effects massage might have on the body. For this reason, treat receiving Reiki just like you would a massage: Drink lots of water, eat healthy yummy foods, and rest. Sometimes clients feel a great burst of energy after a massage or Reiki session and that is perfectly normal as well. The same instructions will apply (drink plenty of water, eat yummy healthy foods, and go do something fun that brings you joy and happiness).
The effects of Reiki might last from 1 hour to 6 months depending on your needs and acceptance of the energy. It is safe to receive Reiki daily, but Jillian recommends scheduling a session every 4-6 weeks.
What to expect during a Distance Reiki Healing Session
Distance Reiki sessions offer the same benefits as in-person sessions. Distance Reiki healing lowers anxiety, boost the immune system, helps with insomnia, provides energy, or allows for relaxation. The energy gives you just what you need to feel balanced, calm, supported, inspired, and most importantly Loved. Distance Reiki benefits you when you are in need of healing but unable to travel to Jillian’s Healing Arts Center for an in-person session.
A Reiki master has the ability to send Reiki anywhere, at any time, to any person and each master has their own preferred way to connect with their client.
For a distance Reiki session. Jillian prefers to connect with clients through Zoom. This way she hears your voice and easily picks up on your energy. The recording of the reiki session is made available to clients who wish to look back on the experience.
After The Session
You may feel tired, excited, hot, cold, achy, emotional, or a feeling of unconditional love. Remember that Reiki gives you just what you need, not exactly what you want. The universe knows best, just trust and you will not be disappointed.
The effects of receiving Reiki could last up to 6 months after the session. Treat a distance Reiki session as you would a massage; drink plenty of water, eat as clean as possible, and rest.
Jillian Infuses Reiki Into All Of Her Healing Modalities
Reiki In Yoga/Movement Classes:
When entering the Center to teach a class, Jillian accepts the energy of the day, scans the energy of the students, and opens herself to guidance from Reiki to organize and teach each class. In this way each student gets just what they need from Jillian’s yoga and dance classes. This skill of accepting, scanning, and receiving guidance from Reiki helps Jillian in all her healing modalities.
Reiki in Massage:
Jillian infuses Reiki into every massage she gives. Her clients are amazed how she can find trigger points and tension without previous knowledge of the trouble spots. Clients often say that “Jillian has GPS in her fingers.” Jillian laughs, because she knows that this GPS is actually Reiki, enriching her intuition of what the client needs in order to relax or heal.
Jillian fully believes that without Reiki her clients and students would not feel the level of love and joy that surrounds her and all her work, and creates the joyful and inspiring holistic community of Jillian’s Healing Arts Center; where your happiness blooms.